Thursday, February 24, 2011

Buy One, Get One Free

Many components come in both single-device and multi-device packages. The 555 timer is available as both a single timer in an 8 pin IC and as the 556, with two timers in a 14 pin IC.

Frequently, these both cost the same price, or so close to it that the difference is negligible. The same is true for op-amps, comparators, and many other devices.

So, if you can afford the extra space on your PCB, stocking the multiple device versions of the parts is more economical, even if you often only use one of the devices. Each time you use the second device, you're getting it practically for free.

Also, with the various uses that most devices can be put to (op-amps can take the place of many logic gates when wired properly, for example), they give you extra "wiggle room" in your circuits for growth or for changes to the design.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Old-school Components Keep It Cheap

Keep costs down by using simple non-digital, non-IC components for simple jobs. Instead of using a microcontroller that costs a couple of dollars to blink an LED, use an astable built out of a couple of transistors, caps, and resistors. The cost is pennies rather than dollars. The same goes for invertors (a couple of resistors and a transistor), one-shots, simple encoding/decoding, etc.

Most of the circuits you need are already online or available in various electronic circuit cookbooks.

This also saves I/O lines in circuits where you have microcontrollers doing other tasks. If you use bulk buys for your components, you can cut costs dramatically by using simple analog circuits in place of microcontrollers, even the small cheap ones.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Microcontroller Project Cost Control: Develop on a Big One, Implement on a Small One

Save money on your Microcontrollers. Just as you can save money by replacing expensive standard logic with a microcontroller, you can save money on microcontrollers by using smaller, less expensive versions in your projects.

But if you pick a chip that's too small--too little memory, not enough I/O--for your project, you can end up stopped midway in, held up because you didn't start with enough to finish the job. How do you avoid this?

The trick is to develop for a larger version of your favorite microcontroller first. Then, once you've got your application working, you can see exactly what you need and move the app to a smaller, less expensive IC that has enough memory, I/O, and the right peripherals for what you're doing.

For example, I often develop small applications on the ATMega8 AVR microprocessor. It has 8K of flash, 1K of SRAM, and 512 bytes of EEPROM as well as a good selection of peripherals like UART, ADCs, and timers.

This gives me a lot of room for a small application. Then, when the app is done, I see what I need and put it on the appropriate ATTiny controller. The cost of an ATTiny can cut the cost of the chip to a fraction of the cost of an ATMEGA. The shift is quick and easy, I usually end up with a better version of the code when I move it since it gives me a chance to make some changes I thought of after writing the app on the big chip.

Then the big chip gets wiped, ready for the next app to be developed.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Microcontrollers Save Money: Replace Standard Logic

Is standard logic eating up your project budget? Special purpose MSI and LSI circuits can get expensive. It doesn't take many.

Plus, if you don't already have the parts you have to order them online then wait on shipping. Want them faster? Fine, pay more for shipping and you'll double the price of those chips!

But, if you've got a drawer full of inexpensive small microcontrollers, you can program one of them to replace one or several expensive standard logic circuits. You don't need to know what you need ahead of time. You have more flexibility in PCB layout. They cost less than the more expensive varieties of MSI and LSI.

Plus, many come in packages smaller than the 14, 16, and 20 pin ICs. If you don't need so many lines, you can drop an 8-pin microcontroller into your board and leave space open for other parts.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Electronic Components: Should You Buy in Bulk?

Nickels and Dimes
The cost of electronic components can add up really quick. Buying in small quantities of one or two parts at a time gets expensive quick.

Bulk Buys
When you need a few more of a part, a new option opens up. Bulk buys.

Often, especially when buying from a surplus house, you can get hundreds or thousands of components for the same price as a small number of the same part. This works especially well for optoelectronics like LEDs or LED displays, switches, and other electronics that get expensive quick when you need more than one or two components.

I've bought reels of 1000 switches for the same price as a dozen singles. I've bought reels of 1000 to 2000 LEDs for the price of a couple dozen.

Save money. Buy parts in bulk. Use the ones you want, sell or pass along the ones you don't. Plus it gives you extras for other projects, or spares in case you fry a few.

Electronics Mastery

Master the costs and difficulty of your electronics projects.

Make build-ups faster.

Make testing easier.

Use cheaper parts of use what's in your parts box without spending more.

You can master your electronics hobby or business.