Thursday, February 17, 2011

Electronic Components: Should You Buy in Bulk?

Nickels and Dimes
The cost of electronic components can add up really quick. Buying in small quantities of one or two parts at a time gets expensive quick.

Bulk Buys
When you need a few more of a part, a new option opens up. Bulk buys.

Often, especially when buying from a surplus house, you can get hundreds or thousands of components for the same price as a small number of the same part. This works especially well for optoelectronics like LEDs or LED displays, switches, and other electronics that get expensive quick when you need more than one or two components.

I've bought reels of 1000 switches for the same price as a dozen singles. I've bought reels of 1000 to 2000 LEDs for the price of a couple dozen.

Save money. Buy parts in bulk. Use the ones you want, sell or pass along the ones you don't. Plus it gives you extras for other projects, or spares in case you fry a few.


  1. Surplus suppliers, mostly, though you can get some great deals from the regular parts houses, too, especially on overstocked and clearance items bought in bulk. and are where I've got most of my deals, but I check the bulk prices anywhere I shop.
